How We Do It
Our Reciprocal Peer Support Wellness Model addresses behavioral and physical health needs along 8 dimensions of wellness. Our goal is to restore health and reestablish balance within all 8 for every caller.
They are as follows:
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The Wellness Model Explained:
The wellness model uses a holistic approach to identify all the areas of a person’s life that contribute to their overall “wellness.” It is a conscious, deliberate process that requires you to be aware of and make choices that contribute to a more satisfying lifestyle along 8 dimensions of heath.
The 8 dimensions that we help to foster are as follow:
Creating a self-defined daily routine that includes adequate sleep and rest, walking or exercise, appropriate levels of activity and productivity, and involvement in creative or structured activity that counteracts negative stress responses.
Being involved in activities that represent personal beliefs and values; having meaning and purpose, and developing a sense of balance and peace.
Connecting and communicating with people who support and care about you. This includes personal relationships, important friendships, and connections with others, pets and the community.
Recognizing your creative abilities and finding ways to expand your knowledge and skills while discovering the potential for sharing those gifts with others. This includes encouraging lifelong learning,and the application and sharing of knowledge.
Increasing your capacity to recognize your feelings. This involves the ability to express feelings, adjust to emotional challenges, and cope with life’s stressors. This also includes working on tolerance of, awareness of, and acceptance of a wide range of feelings in ourselves and in other people, as well as the ability to take on challenges and recognize conflict as being potentially healthy.
Creating opportunities to participate in activities that are meaningful and rewarding, and provide meaning and purpose.
Finding ways to be in places and spaces that promote learning and contemplation and that elicit the relaxation response. This includes being able to be and feel physically safe, in safe and clean surroundings, and able to access clean air, food and water.
Objective indicators may include measures such as income, debt, savings and aspects of financial capability, such as knowledge of financial products and services, planning ahead, and staying on budget.
Subjective indicators may include your perception of satisfaction about your current and future financial situation.
We are not a crisis support hotline. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger of harming themselves or if you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.